Archive for January, 2009

149 – Clearance Sale

January 8, 2009

Ah yes, the clearance sale. How many times have we been caught by that one? Think about this. For who knows how long, these items have been in the store and have not sold well. Now, they’ve decided to run a “sale” to… sell them. Imagine that. That means that any one who did, in fact, buy one prior to the sale, over paid! And we want to do business with these people? OK. OK. I am a bit cynical here but doesn’t it seem that if the items could have been sold for less, they should have been sold for less from the beginning? Perhaps we should not buy anything until it goes on sale… wait a minute. I see what they’re up to. They’re trying to make lots of money. Aren’t they clever!

clearance-saleYour comments have been encouraging and I appreciate them. Thank you for taking the time to visit here and please tell your friends. I’ll appreciate their visits also.

148 – Wet Floor

January 5, 2009

I just can’t believe it! Bathroom humor actually appears in my blog! I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you! I’m going to have a serious talk with… me. And I’m going to tell me a thing or two. Boy, do I hope I listen. I really sound mad.

wet-floor-announcement1More (non-bathroom) humor to come. Instead of one a day (which I will continue to try to do) I will try to do these Naïve ads at least more often. That makes some kind of sense, doesn’t it? Anyway, thanks for the visit and I hope to write to you again.

147 – War Ship Spotted

January 3, 2009

War ships are dangerous things but when you stop and think about it, that is exactly what they are supposed to be. Because they are so dangerous, I try to behave myself and stay away from them. At the end of the day, they will win any argument!war-ship-spotted1

Thanks for returning here even though I had nothing to offer you since Christmas. Busy holiday, busy times. The fact that you did return suggests that you really do need professional help but only you can decide that. While you are thinking it over, thanks for your support and come back soon for still another “Naïve” advert.