Archive for November, 2008

135 – Military Two ‘fer One Sale

November 30, 2008

I know it’s now common practice to throw darts at the military for allowing and paying excess costs. I think the facts really demonstrate that the military is usually more cautious about spending than incautious. It’s true that I’ve never bought a super aircraft carrier. Actually, I can’t remember ever purchasing a supersonic jet, a tank or a submarine either. I did buy a slotted screwdriver once for 99¢ but that was some time ago and I’m sure prices have gone up since then.

military-two-fer-tuesday1The most recent holiday is now over and I am, like so many others, suffering turkey overdose — no known cure, no known treatment. And yet, I am looking forward to the the several turkey sandwich days to come. It must also be addictive, me thinks. I’m glad you returned here after this short holiday vacation. I will continue to try to post one of these “naïve” ads each day — as best I can. Your comments help. Check back tomorrow.

134 – So Much

November 25, 2008

so-much-to-doYes, I know it’s a cop out. Really, though, I’ve got stuff that just has to be done. Really. So I’ll try much harder on my return. I will. I promise. And I won’t forget that you’ve been tuning in to this blog. I appreciate the effort you take to visit. I do hope it’s not just to see if I’ve stopped!

133 – Mythington Bank Motto

November 22, 2008

I remember my first bank account. I gave them the money and they gave me a fee schedule. I got the impression that they really wanted more money and I had a fleeting thought that they should be paying me to hold my money since they intended to invest it and make… oh wait, I get it. Banks are out to make money!

mythington-bank-motto1This is a weekend and the day seems to drag out. So little to do and so much time in which to do it. But I like it that way. I mean, if I were some other person I might have to solve a financial crisis but because I am me, there is no financial crisis — you have to have money to have a financial crisis. Being broke precludes a crisis. I’ve got a “No Money” crisis and that’s easy to solve. All you have to do is… oh wait, I forgot. I always say “Thanks for visiting this blog” and I almost forgot to tell you that. Now, where was I? Ahhhhh….

132 – Full Size World Replica

November 20, 2008

This is sort of on topic. I remember the size of my university campus. Huge! I had no car and no money for on-campus shuttle so I walked everywhere. Seven thirty AM Saturday was R.O.T.C. and it was at the far side of the campus (as measured from my Saturday morning bed). Even the student union building wasn’t where I was. I had to walk! Now, all these years later I’ve had the chance to return to my school. I’m driving around. Those distances… the ones I walked so frequently… well, as an adult, I now see just how close everything has gotten. Small world, isn’t it?

wordrepleclaI’ve been looking back on the number of hits this site has gotten and yes, it is relatively small. I’ve got to figure out just how to get people to see it. Well, that’s OK. In time more people well click in (he said with a lot of optimism optimistically in his head.) Just the same, it is fun. I try to post a new thingie each day so check it out, make comments, tell everyone. And, oh yes, thanks for visiting here.

131 – Grass Crete

November 19, 2008

Yes, I know. This is a very High School idea. But that is exactly where I got it. About 90 years ago, when I was in High School, I used to mow lawns for what would now be known as “hardly pocket change.” For most lawns I used a push mower. (For some of you, that is the kind of mower that doesn’t have an engine and depends entirely on human muscle to make it go.) Ahhh, to return to the good old days!

grasscreteGo on. Make a comment. It doesn’t hurt a lot and you can go to bed with a sense of accomplishment and I’d be such a happy camper. Thank you for visiting this site, Your interest is very encouraging and could be even more encouraging if you ran out right now and got a bunch of people to visit here also.

130 – Cynthia’s Synthetic Water

November 18, 2008

I am convinced that we really have some things mixed up. Consider if we had concrete wheels and rubber roads, for instance. When we have a blow-out, it would be city, state, or federal responsibility to fix it! Now, that would be pleasant. But alas, the way the world has unfolded, such is not to be. Synthetic water would be great. Just keep it in your pocket until needed. Mix some dry powder with it and “Bam” your thirst is quenched! Gotta go. I need a drink.

synthwaterAs this is being written, the Thanksgiving holiday is approaching. We will have family visiting and really look forward to that! Lets see, T H A N K S G I V I N G. Hummmm. Did I thank you for visiting this blog yet? Thank you. You are why it gets written.

129 – Anti-Darkness Shades

November 17, 2008

When I was little I was afraid of the dark. No. Really. It’s true. I don’t have any memory of what in the dark frightened me, but I knew for sure that I didn’t want any part of the dark. In looking back, I observed that many times, adults were afraid of the dark. This was a truism since I was credibly informed of “darkness danger” through old time radio programs, TV and movies. OK. I was a kid then but, you know, now there are still times when it is late at night and something tells me the light should be left on. I’m pretty sure its radio, TV and the movies.

anti-darkness-shadesActually, I’m not really afraid of the dark. I do live in fear, however, of not getting comments or suggestions. At night, I lie awake counting the comments and suggestions that I don’t get. It’s really frustrating and often keeps me up all night since there is so very much to count. You could help. Make a comment or a suggestion about this blog. Help me get some sleep and, oh yes, thanks for visiting.

128 – Mozart & Springsteen Concert

November 15, 2008

Mozart and Springsteen? Is this even possible? I don’t think so! First, Mozart is much older than Springsteen. While his music has been around much longer than Springsteen, Mozart hasn’t been around all that recently. I don’t think he has done a concert is many years and, as such, is probably out of practice. Springsteen, on the other hand, really knows how to whip up a crowd. I’d be willing to bet his music is much better known than that of Mozart. Also, and this is a really big plus, Springsteen is not dead.

mozartspringsteenLike I said last time, an IP problem prevented me from entering new posts, but now, I’m up and running again. I know. I apologize. Here I am having some fun and there you are, forced to endure these thingies. And that is why I spend theis paragraph thanking you for visiting this blog.

127 – Parental License Classes

November 14, 2008

Ah, if it were only true. Children having children; adults unprepared for having children, what is the answer? Well, I happen to know a good many parents who are discovering how to parent and are doing so without parenting lessons. On the other hand, a good many children are making huge mistakes as they are growing up because their parents should really have had lessons. I think every delivery should come with an owners manual, internet FAQ and phone numbers available for 18 years to help in bringing up Johnny and/or Jane.

parental-license-class Oh… that was far too serious but not so serious that I’ve forgotten to say thanks for visiting this blog. It’s wonderful that you have stuck with me this long. I had a bit of an IP problem but things seem settled now. All it took was a little lot of money. Isn’t it great that all of corporate America speaks the same language? Color it (the language) green and I am not referring to ecology here. And Please NOTE: I’ve got several more thingies just waiting to be released. Come back so you don’t miss them.

126 – Discount Brain Wash

November 13, 2008

So many of us don’t examine what is said with analytical attitude. If the sign says “No Left Turn” and you can see that there is in fact, a left turn, you should obey the sign (it’s the law) but you must logically question it. So talk to the sign. Become a friend. Get on the good side of the sign, then give it the third degree. Point to where there is, in fact, a left turn despite the sign which states the contrary. See what it has to say for itself! Hah! Now, when doing so, try to be as unobtrusive as you can. You don’t want people to question your sanity.


Thanks a bunch for visiting and, again, feel free to comment. I can take it. Really.

125 – Mythington Car Rental

November 11, 2008

Car rentals are a good idea. Your car gets hurt and while it’s in the shop, walking around just won’t do. So, you rent a car. But what kind? Lets say your current car is a piece of junk. How about renting a top of the line luxury boat? You’d like to experience how the other three quarters lives. OK. When you’re presented with the cost, you gather your sensible side and tell the nice gentleman across the counter “You know, I don’t really need much. My car will only be in the shop for seven or eight weeks. I think I’ll just take that plain Jane, garden variety, under powered, striped down, ordinary car over there.” Your pocket book says to you. “Good job.”

mythington-car-rental1Regular visitors to this blog recognize that this paragraph is usually a reserved space for me to thank everyone for visiting. Well, this time I intend to do the same thing. Thank you for visiting. I’ve been trying to post a new thingie every day. Sometimes I can get out more than one. That you take the time to drop by thrills me and encourages me to continue. Your comments are solicited!

124 – Mega-Vac: The Vac That Really Sucks

November 8, 2008

Animals simply hate vacuum cleaners. Our cats adopted another family because of our vac. Small children are part pet because they do exactly the same thing. In our case, the police returned our little Heather along with a very stern warning. I explained that all we were doing was vacuuming but the police officer noticed dust marks on the bottom of the little tyke. We wound up having to buy a dust mop.

mega-vacWe’ve had relatives from Canada visiting so the usual volume of thingie output has been slowed. They bought dinner so I felt justified in delaying this post. Thanks for sticking with it and not running off to some other, less significant, blog. I appreciate your loyalty!

123 – Fat-Be-Gone (Parody)

November 6, 2008

Once again I find myself adding a note to the title of this post. What happens is that some people see a title (in this case, “Fat-Be-Gone”) and they take it far more seriously than I do. This is a parody. I try to do one or two of them each day — you can see past posts under the “RECENT POSTS” on the right side of the page OR you can go to the calendar and click on any of the BLUE highlighted dates or any of the BLUE highlighted months below the calendar. They are just for fun and I really hope you like them, return to this blog often, tell your friends, neighbors, strangers, make comments on the posts, link to this blog from your web page, become very wealthy and influential, get that cosmetic operation (you know which one), and live happily ever after.


And, as always, I like to thank people who visit here. It takes time out of your day (and raw guts) to visit this blog. You are to be commended for your heroic action. Visit again, OK?

122 – To All Of Our Customers

November 5, 2008

I believe the public should be warned wherever possible, but warning signs certainly are confusing. The grocery store puts out a sign “Wet Floor.” I should think, taking the the sign at face value, wetting the floor would be quite embarrassing not to mention that doing so could get one arrested. Crosswalks have a sign “Do Not Walk,” but we tell our children not to run across the street. I can picture the odd child going mental at the confusion. While driving, I’m told “No Left Turn” when I can clearly see a left turn. I once saw a sign “Radiation Hazard.” Imagine that. I wasn’t even golfing!

to-all-of-our-customersOver these past weeks, I must say I have been gratified anyone would visit here. Your time is valuable and my time isn’t worth much. So, you are making the greater sacrifice and I appreciate it. Now, consider making a comment, linking to this blog or just telling friends, family, strangers, etc. Thanks.

121 – Life Is Easy

November 4, 2008

The first thing on my mind is voting. I take care of my 92 year old mother and as difficult as it might be to get to the polls, we intend to get to the polls! You know, nobody said “Life Is Easy.” That was George Nobody from Mythington, Indiana. He is a great guy. Feel free to post the following:

life-is-easyWhen your day is complicated, a person can sometimes question if “Life Is Easy.” On the other hand, “Life Is What You Make It.” If you follow the second bromide, then “Life” is definitely “Easy.” In any case, There is nothing in life that prohibits one from saying “Thanks” for visiting this blog. When I see you there, “Life Is Easy.” By the way, your comments would be nice.

120 – A Boy And His Shark

November 1, 2008

I like how television has exploded into diverse offerings. It seems that I have so many choices these days… the problem is that so many of them are often the same thing. I can have a fantastic complexion IF I buy this particular miracle breakthrough. I can have abs that look like a washboard IF I buy this particular machine. I intend to buy only one product. Its the one that guarantees my headache (cause by all those TV infomercials) will go away IF I buy their triple coated, time released, doctor recommended, super strong… no wait, I have a better Idea. I’m going to read a book.

Your continued support is again welcomed. I appreciate that you take the time to visit here and hop that these thingies help get you through the day. I’m not really sure how these things work but I just signed on to DIGG in the hope that I can get more people looking in on this blog. As I understand things, if you have a mind to, you can DIGG this so others might see it and agree. I encourage you to DIGG. Yes, I know it’s selfish. But I really wouldn’t mind becoming famous and enormously rich because you recommended this blog to DIGG. So… get to it. Thanks.